Multi-head air conditioning can be a little more expensive, however, it gives greater flexibility in being able to run separate areas. Each room can be individually controlled allowing different temperatures to be set in each room. Multi-head consists of ONE outdoor unit which can be connected to wall mounted, cassettes and/or ducted units. It will give you the option to run a small zone (one room) or all the zones can be run at the same time. This option also has ‘reverse cycle’ and ‘inverter’ technology. Multi-head is suitable in a residential or commercial setting.
Nye Industries are experts in the air conditioning trade. We will specifically design an air conditioning system to suit exactly what you would like to achieve in your home/office space. Whether you would like one split system installed to your existing home/office or you have a new home or building under construction and would like a zoned split ducted or multi-head system. Nye Industries have professional solutions to meet your every need.
See our Checklist for Air Conditioning Residential Homes for further information on aspects to be considered when thinking about your A/C requirements.